Case Study

Xyngular Contact Center Assessment

Health and wellness company Xyngular prides themselves on delivering a personal customer experience. When the organization experienced an unexpected surge of consumer inquiries to their call center, the leadership team recognized a need to improve the customer experience.


Delivering an exceptional customer experience has become the key brand differentiator when choosing a good or service, overtaking price and even the product itself. Successful brands use every customer interaction as an opportunity to create memorable customer experiences. In the crowded wellness space, Xyngular already had a unique branded system, but wanted the ability to set itself apart from a sea of other choices, build brand loyalty and prepare for future expansion.

Xyngular’s team was committed and filled with excitement about what was possible to exceed customer expectations. Their commitment and enthusiasm were integral in developing accurate assessments and prioritizing recommendations.

Our goal in this project was to evaluate opportunities where Xyngular could improve the customer experience and support long-term growth.


Xyngular is a U.S.-based health and wellness company that offers nutritional kits to help customers lose weight and improve their health. In the summer of 2020, the pandemic was keeping Americans stuck in their homes and looking for unique ways to maintain their health and fitness, as well as get additional income during uncertain times through their business model.Xyngular’s service group was flooded with inquiries about their product and business, overwhelming the call service team. The call volume increased so dramatically and rapidly that employees were required to work overtime, and they had to outsource calls to a third party. Agents were solving problems with which they were unfamiliar, and leadership had to jump in with both feet until new agents were hired and trained. Xyngular doubled the size of its call center staff to 105 and although the organization pulled through, the leadership team realized they needed to make improving the customer experience a top priority.With plans to expand internationally in the next few years, Orchid Black was brought on board to assess that call center operations could scale rapidly and deliver a high-level customer experience with continuous U.S. and international growth.

Assisting a client in the midst of wild, unforecasted growth can be challenging. In this case, the organization’s passion for its customers and products made for a delightful and productive working partnership where the objectives for success were clear and achievable.

Bob Caruso
Operating Partner, Orchid Black


Orchid Black brought deep expertise in developing organizational priorities and digital transformation strategies, as well as the ability to translate strategy into operational action. Xyngular and Orchid Black determined the primary goal of the project was to conduct a call center assessment, provide recommendations for improvement through a high-level prioritized action plan, and deliver an achievable roadmap for future growth. Not only did Caruso and Steen have extensive experience in building operations, but they also had the ability to bring the full power of digital enterprise to assist clients in building an organization that captivates the emotions of their customers by personalizing customer experiences. Xyngular had a close-knit, enthusiastic team, so the partnership included working closely with all members of the team, with a focus on buy-in.


Our client’s defining moment was the realization that the heroic efforts of the staff could be turned into frictionless processes with a bit of technology integration.


Over the course of four days on-site with Xyngular we executed a Contact Assessment Process, conducted interviews with employees at all levels and examined key practices across nine dimensions critical to building a world-class experience.

Translating data into insights: We conducted broad-based assessment of Xyngular’s Contact Center to:  

  • Identify key areas of excellence and opportunities
  • Assess current performance vis-a-vis industry and service leading practices
  • Develop recommendations for short- and long-term improvements

As part of that process, we also collected data and analyzed:

  • Call Center support structure and organization charts
  • Current performance metrics and achievement of goals
  • Processes and procedures
  • New hire and ongoing training program
  • Change management structure
  • Process barriers and enablers
  • Center communication tools/management tool

Transforming insights into actionable recommendations: After our assessment, we compiled the data into a report of the current state of their Contact Center. We identified opportunities for improvement and provided an achievable roadmap for the future.

Assisting a client in the midst of wild, unforecasted growth can be challenging. In this case, the organization’s passion for its customers and products made for a delightful and productive working partnership where the objectives for success were clear and achievable." – Bob Caruso, Operating Partner, Orchid Black

Bob was fantastic to work with! He is so knowledgeable and good at what he does. He got my entire organization to think about things differently and how things inter-departmentally really have to jive for everything to go smoothly. Several of our departments have already started to ask, 'How do I get a Bob to come review our team?'

Jamie Bowden
Director of Member Service, Xyngular


Orchid Black did a phenomenally deep assessment of Xyngular’s current state, prioritizing and refocusing multiple areas for leadership and potential investment for Xyngular so they could successfully scale and deliver a world-class experience. They now have an achievable and stable roadmap to follow for future growth.

Think about your own Customer Experience.  Are you succeeding in truly reaching your customers?

"Assisting an organization engulfed in unexpected growth with a focus on making lives better is at the core of our mission." – Bob Caruso, Delivery Lead, Orchid Black